Leslie Arno is the Senior Estimator at Simon, which is a part of Barrett Industries, the Colas USA subsidiary that operates throughout South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado. Leslie has been a part of the Colas USA Family since 2013 and has worked as an Estimator, Senior Estimator, and Project Manager.
Read more about Leslie through the following spotlight.
Describe your role to someone who is not familiar with the construction industry or Colas USA.
In my position as Senior Estimator, I estimate the cost to build highways, interstates, subdivisions, roadways within municipalities, etc.
What has been your favorite project so far?
I enjoy more complex projects where we’re performing the majority of the operations. It’s interesting to dissect everything and figure out how we should build the job. Self-performing the majority of the operations gives us more control of the project and sequencing. I also like strategizing our bid, which requires having our competition dialed in. That’s why the Prairie Dog Project was one of my favorites, because we left 0.01% on the table on a job that was approximately $12 million. Can’t hardly get closer than that!
What drew you to working within the construction industry?
I took a part-time, temporary job at a construction company 34 years ago. I was too young to understand that the 40 hours/week they wanted me to work wasn’t technically part-time. Not in normal jobs anyway. When I was ready to go home on day one after my 8 hours, they asked me to work full-time, which turned out to be about 6 hours later. Because I was so willing to put in the hours, they kept promoting me and training me, so I made a career out of it. I’m still looking for that part-time, 40 hour/week construction job though!
What motivates you to wake up and go to work every day?
I am blessed to have found something I really do enjoy. Not every day feels like a blessing, but I get up every day with a fresh outlook and try to make the best out of it.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I’m a published author. Writing is one of my favorite hobbies. My book is called A Precious Stone and I’m working on the sequel.
From her nomination:
“Leslie creates a good relationship with her colleagues and the companies we work with on projects. She is very intelligent and is able to balance a lot of different bids while being successful. She is very hardworking and dedicated to her job and she creates friendships with new companies and Engineers on the projects. She is reliable and creates profit for colas wherever she goes. Leslie is an influence to all women. She has worked hard to create a valuable reputation for Simon and Colas, and in turn showing women who work for colas just how impactful you can be to all around you.”